Finally find your way to Blue Ridge, ready to do all the outdoor mountain things, only to find the weather didn’t get the memo? Don’t panic - we’ve got a list for you of indoor activities perfect for a rainy day in Blue Ridge. All locations are no more than a fifteen minute drive from Honey Hollow. Grab an umbrella and a wallet and meet me in the car:
1. Expedition Bigfoot:
Get your Squatch on. This is nuts and you know it - it’s great.
2. Escape Blue Ridge:
Who DOESN’T want to show their travel buddies how much smarter they are than everyone else?
3. Mountain Man Comics:
A great comic shop gives you a feeling of nostalgia as soon as you walk in the door. Plus, it mingles your Supermans with your Sandmans and everyone feels cool.
4. 2nd Story Entertainment:
Come for the arcade and the ice cream and get caught up in a challenging, indoor mini-golf course in a building more than a century old. You can’t tell me that place isn’t haunted and I mean that in the best way.
5. Shopping and Eating downtown:
I don’t know what kind of deal Blue Ridge struck with the devil to get so many great restaurants and shops in a little mountain town, but we’re not complaining.
6. Order food delivery through RidgeRunner:
Stay in and have food delivered, relax in the hot tub, watch a movie on the big screen, play cards or a board game and have a cocktail on the porch. You’re technically still in the mountains, right?
